How to Improve Your Teeth's Strength

How to Improve Your Teeth’s Strength

Published On: July 13, 2022

To discover how to strengthen teeth, you’ll first need to follow proper oral hygiene habits that help you prevent dental concerns, including enamel erosion. Regular dental hygiene practice and daily flossing is a great approach to maintaining teeth healthy, yet this is only the start.

Proper oral health starts with adequate nutrition and diet. Here are techniques for keeping your teeth strong.

1. Eat Calcium-rich Foods

Calcium and phosphorus are essential to establish healthy teeth and bones. Calcium has a significant role in developing tooth strength as calcium replaces the phosphate in the teeth, strengthening your teeth’ substance. The right amount of calcium needs to be consumed daily.

High calcium foods include cheese, yogurt, milk, fish (salmon), almonds, kelp, and sesame seeds.

2. Avoid Sugary Foods

If you consume a lot of sugar and sugary foods, it can cause cavities to form in your teeth. Cavities are caused by bacteria that feed on sugar, changing saliva into acid that erodes the enamel and causes tooth decay.

3. Use Natural and Healthy Fluoride

As fluoride is essential in maintaining the health of your teeth, and they prevent cavities in your teeth by strengthening tooth enamel and fighting against stains caused by acid, this method is perfect for those who want to improve their teeth.

Fluoride is a mineral used to strengthen tooth enamel, which helps prevent cavities by preventing bacterial acid from eating away at the surface of the enamel.

4. Brush Your Teeth Two Times a Day

Brushing your teeth is an essential part of dental hygiene. Daily brushing can remove food particles and plaque, which cause cavities. It also keeps your gums healthy. Your brush needs to be soft to avoid damaging your gums.

5. Use Mouthwash

Mouthwash can help clean up bacteria that lead to cavities by rinsing saliva away, leaving the mouth cavity dry, which helps prevent bacterial development. Mouthwash is also good for those

with bad breath, as it kills bacteria that lead to bad breath. Mouthwash is effective at fighting bacteria by killing living cells.

6. Limit Foods and Drinks That Stains Enamel

You need to avoid acidic food and drinks that cause stains on your teeth. These foods erode the enamel of your teeth, which then becomes weaker. The acid causes bacteria to eat away at the enamel, creating stains. The acid does not dissolve the enamel but causes it to become worn and thinner, making your teeth more susceptible to staining.

Generally, high sugar and acidic foods that cause stains on teeth include wine, coffee, and soda.

To sum up, you can achieve better oral health by following a few simple steps to improve your teeth’s strength and avoid cavities and dental problems. For better results, brush your teeth twice a day, use mouthwash after meals, and keep up with your dental cleanings. Contact RenovaSmiles to schedule a dental cleaning appointment today!